Photography: Yomari Exhibition in 2008

Day 12, Kathmandu, Nepal

It is not necessary to explain that Nepal is reach in its culture. In newar community on November, a very special day is celebrated. It is called Yomari Punhi. The day is full moon day. It is celebrated on the joy of finishing harvesting of rice. All the harvested rice been stored in the storeroom and worship is done on the room. The special dish called Yomari, made on the day.

Now a days many of the Newars had no farm. They had been either sold out or made houses to stay, or rented for different purposes. And the new generation has no idea about harvesting and such celebration. To make aware, an exhibition had been conducted. This is very useful to show about the culture to the new generation.

Please have a look some of photos of the exhibition….


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